Observers and Officials

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Observers and Officials


Significant Figures in Anglo-American Diplomacy and British Observations of the Civil War


Prominent British and American individuals involved in negotiations behind the scenes, as well as those directly viewing the conflict, offer a wide range of perceptions and viewpoints of the war and its underlying causes


Johnathan Seitz




Still Image

Collection Items

'Hon. Thurlow Weed'
Thurlow Weed was one of several prominent Americans abroad in Europe during the American Civil War. Primarily operating in the area of London, Weed was effectively on an unofficial diplomatic mission. His work and connections in Great Britain enabled…

'Charles Francis Adams, Sr.'
The son of President John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis Adams served as the primary Union diplomat in its interactions with Great Britain throughout the Civil War. A prominent statesman prior to the outbreak of war, Adams worked tirelessly to…

'Henry Hotze'
Henry Hotze was a Swiss-born immigrant to the United States who would become one of the Confederacy's prominent propaganda agents abroad. Operating as a journalist in Alabama prior to the war, Hotze would later enter into work for the Confederate…

'James M. Mason'
James M. Mason played an important role for Confederate activity in the United Kingdom, organizing funds and the purchase of supplies and ships. Following his arrest and release as part of the Trent Affair of 1861, Mason began his work in London,…

'John Slidell'
Captured by the Union alongside his fellow Confederate diplomat, James Mason, in the 1861 Trent Affair, John Slidell's intended post was making appeals on the South's behalf to the French government under Napoleon III. After being released, Slidell…

'William Seward'
Secretary Seward was a driving force behind much of the North's international messaging over the course of the Civil War. Known as one of the most outspoken and active members of Lincoln's cabinet, Seward was a staunch Unionist who regularly…

'Richard Pemell, the Lord Lyons'
From his position as the British envoy to Washington D.C., Lord Lyons served as a vital avenue of communication between the U.S. and U.K. Often meeting with Secretary of State Seward to discuss matters lying between their respective nations, it was…

'Lord John Russell'
Maintaining different levels of power throughout his career in Parliament, including as Prime Minister, John Russell, the 1st Earl Russell, served as Foreign Minister in the Liberal government under Lord Palmerston during the late 1850s and early…

'Henry John Temple, the Viscount Palmerston'
Serving as Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston guided Britain through, or better put, around the affairs of the American Civil War. The leader of the nation most likely to intervene in the conflict, and at times Palmerston faced the temptation to do so.…

'Seward's Delegation at Trenton Falls, New York'
An 1863 outing of foreign ambassadors to the Union under Secretary of State William Seward, visiting New York's Trenton Falls; Secretary Seward stands at the far right, marked (1). The British Minister, Lord Lyons, sits in the middle with a white top…
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