Browse Items (50 total)

Accompanying the formal British response to the Trent Affair, which was edited and toned down by Queen Victoria's husband, Prince Albert, Foreign Minister Earl Russell included additional instructions for Lord Lyons. Desiring an explanation from…

Despite some hopes that the announcement of the Lincoln Administrations plans on the matter of emancipation, international doubts over the Union position on slavery remained. This cartoon, a satirical take by Punch, highlights the view in Great…

Former President Fillmore's letter to the current executive reflects the growing view among prominent American politicians that war with Britain, increasingly probable as the Trent Affair continued, was undesriable and disadvantageuous to the…

From his position as the British envoy to Washington D.C., Lord Lyons served as a vital avenue of communication between the U.S. and U.K. Often meeting with Secretary of State Seward to discuss matters lying between their respective nations, it was…

This song sheet celebrates the actions of the Confederate Army in its early victories against the Northern military. The idea of 'King Cotton' dominates the themes of the song, based upon the strong association between the South and the perceived…

Compiled together as a tribute to Lincoln's memory, this item combines both a print of a wood engraving, likely by Punch artist John Tenniel, and a poem also published by Punch, together on a single page. Though republished in 1910, this document…

This image depicts several figures, two of which, engaged in a fierce struggle, represent the American conflict. Encoiled by a serpent holding him back is a representative of the Union cause, dragged down by those in the North that called for peace…

The son of President John Quincy Adams, Charles Francis Adams served as the primary Union diplomat in its interactions with Great Britain throughout the Civil War. A prominent statesman prior to the outbreak of war, Adams worked tirelessly to…

Captured by the Union alongside his fellow Confederate diplomat, James Mason, in the 1861 Trent Affair, John Slidell's intended post was making appeals on the South's behalf to the French government under Napoleon III. After being released, Slidell…

James M. Mason played an important role for Confederate activity in the United Kingdom, organizing funds and the purchase of supplies and ships. Following his arrest and release as part of the Trent Affair of 1861, Mason began his work in London,…
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