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The second of a pair of images printed by Harper's Weekly concerning the British response to the Morril Tariff's passage. This illustration reflects the aftermath of the Tariff, in which the economic interests of the United Kingdom have usurped the…

The first in a pair of images printed by Harper's Weekly shortly after the start of the Civil War, focusing on British responses to the recently passed Morrill Tariff. In a move unpopular with foreign industrial producers such as Britain, the U.S.…

An agreement ending the non-violent territorial dispute known as the Aroostook War (1838-1839), between the U.S. and British North America, the provisions of the treaty covered issues beyond agreement on lands between U.S. state of Maine and…

One of the last outstanding diploamtic issues of the  Civil War, the resolution of American damage claims over the actions of the British-built Confederate raider Alabama, and others of her kind, was a persistent issue throughout the aftermath of the…

This photograph, taken during his time spent covering the Crimean War of the 1850s, shows the reporter seated. William Howard Russell acted as the London Times's war correspondent abroad, documenting events in Crimea. An early pioneer in war…

Former President Fillmore's letter to the current executive reflects the growing view among prominent American politicians that war with Britain, increasingly probable as the Trent Affair continued, was undesriable and disadvantageuous to the…

This letter from the Union agent addresses some of the concerns for the potential fallout of the Trent Affair in the case of further escalation. The threat of European intervention in the war, either militarily or as forceful mediators, amplified the…

This letter from the Wisconsin Senator was written at the height of the controversy over the Trent. Though the exact parameters of the diplomatic dialogue was still unknown to the majority of the American public, its tense nature was not lost. At the…

Written after the resolution of the Trent Affair controversy, this letter summarizes the American minister to Britain's perspective of the event. Noting the legal arguments surronding the case, particularly regarding the right of search. It reflects…

Serving as Prime Minister, Lord Palmerston guided Britain through, or better put, around the affairs of the American Civil War. The leader of the nation most likely to intervene in the conflict, and at times Palmerston faced the temptation to do so.…
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