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The second of a pair of images printed by Harper's Weekly concerning the British response to the Morril Tariff's passage. This illustration reflects the aftermath of the Tariff, in which the economic interests of the United Kingdom have usurped the…

The first in a pair of images printed by Harper's Weekly shortly after the start of the Civil War, focusing on British responses to the recently passed Morrill Tariff. In a move unpopular with foreign industrial producers such as Britain, the U.S.…

One of the last outstanding diploamtic issues of the  Civil War, the resolution of American damage claims over the actions of the British-built Confederate raider Alabama, and others of her kind, was a persistent issue throughout the aftermath of the…

King Cotton - interpreted here as a caricature of European-style monarchs, displaying elements of the British government - recieves a dangerous gift from Union General George McClellan. The illustration mocks British reliance on southern cotton while…

The captain of the San Jacinto was hailed as a hero across the Northern public, receiving praise from Congress and the Lincoln administration for his role in the capture of James Mason and John Slidell. However, with the onset of the Trent Affair in…

While declaring itself neutral, and remaining that way for the duration of the war, some in the North believed that sympathies for the South permeated Britain's top levels of government. This image from Harper's Weekly uses the figure of John Bull in…
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