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This letter to President Lincoln, possibly from then former Ohio Senator Thomas Ewing, reflects some of the concerns within the Northern public as the Trent Affair dragged on. Written only a few weeks before the captured Confederate diplomats were…

In response to the economic instability brought about by the American Civil War, affecting production and the consumption of goods and materials, John Bull (England) looks to other markets free of less shaken by an 'inconvenient' conflict. Economic…

Providing a satirical take on the nature of the divide between North and South, theLondon-based Punch's take shows the traditional Yankee opposite a new female figure representing the Confederacy, each holding torn parts of the national map. In the…

Punch's satirical criticism of the American conflict highlights their view of British neutrality in this image, perceiving the nation as above the conflict. While certain groups within the population and government displayed sympathy for either side,…

British iconography for American culture and society evolved over the course of the early 19th century. Among them precursors to the popular icon of Uncle Sam, these figures also included 'Brother Jonathan.' Perceived American-belligerence during the…

This photograph, taken during his time spent covering the Crimean War of the 1850s, shows the reporter seated. William Howard Russell acted as the London Times's war correspondent abroad, documenting events in Crimea. An early pioneer in war…

This scene presents the results of early attempts by the Confederate government, represented by CSA President Jefferson Davis, to attain greater European support. Depicted being addressed by Queen Victoria of Britain and Napoleon III of France,…

Part of a set of prints by Peter Kramer, these two images point to the interests of the European powers observing the conflict in America. The top image shows the figure of Queen Victoria, representing the British Empire, and the military threat…

Maintaining different levels of power throughout his career in Parliament, including as Prime Minister, John Russell, the 1st Earl Russell, served as Foreign Minister in the Liberal government under Lord Palmerston during the late 1850s and early…

Thurlow Weed was one of several prominent Americans abroad in Europe during the American Civil War. Primarily operating in the area of London, Weed was effectively on an unofficial diplomatic mission. His work and connections in Great Britain enabled…
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